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Mindful approach towards Nutrition is essential as our daily food choices have central role in the structure and performance of our brain. Brain boosting diet can support its functions both for the short terms and also for the long run.

Human brain is the control center of the body and the busiest organ that we have. It allows our hearts to beat, our lungs to breathe and every single movement we make. Having so many important responsibilities it requires huge amount of energy and quality fuel. Our brain use more than 20% of the body’s total calorie intake. And its optimal function requires certain nutrients in order to stay at top peak working condition.

Certain nutrients can help for keeping your brain healthy and can improve specific mental tasks, such as memory and concentration and also keeping our brain sharp as we are aging.

The presence of ”Brain friendly” into our diet is one ways to support our brain and its optimal performance.

The same way our diet choices affect blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol, they also can affect our brain. Brain is a key figure but the rest of our body systems and organs are as much as important and the “imported goods” will either give them what they need , either will load them with unmanageable foods that will lead to nutritional deficiencies.

There is no such diet as a Silver bullet for our brain, but our daily food choices can make great difference for our overall wellbeing. There isn’t one or two particular foods that can give super powers to our diet. Neither rotating two – three super foods that are known to have beneficial properties.

What matters most is our nutrition habits and eating pattern. When our daily choices are consciously supporting our brains health then the results and benefits will always come. And the most important is that such results will remain for the long run.

We can think about how our weekly diet looks like, what are the foods we are mainly consuming, do we make certain choices for food, under the pressure of the environment, are we aware of the composition and content of our food? And the most important - How do we feel after consuming certain foods?

Aligned with the principles of Integrative Health we can have active role by providing good fuel to our body so it the metabolic process can produce good building blocks!

A basic step is to imagine a week ahead. Seven days. We ourselves know best our rhythm and the pace of life with which we will go through these seven days. We can get an idea of ​​what the food we consume looks like in a week. The more detail we can go into, the clearer it will be what we're missing and where we're going wrong.

Are we drinking enough water? Do we drink water/fluids while eating? What are the foods we eat most often? Why and how did we choose these foods? Do we include seasonal foods in our menu? What kind of liquids are we drinking? How do we feel after eating certain foods? Do we observe sudden changes in our state - emotional, physical?

Can we calculate the macronutrient balance of a meal? Are we aware of any classes/types of food that, after consumption, will have negative reactions? Can we find alternatives to replace them? Can we provide ourselves with healthy food, regardless of where we are and what we do, or does the environment around us often not provide us with such conditions?

According to the principles of integrative health, we have a leading role in delivering the right elements to our bodies so that our metabolism runs at its optimal rate.

©2022 by MinDDor. Created with love by

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